更换耗材 YDS系列设备中,只有活性炭过滤器需要定期更换,根据现场使用环境,每片活性炭过滤器使用寿命为3-9个月。一般场所推荐使用寿命为6个月。 活性炭过滤器为抛弃型设计。设备使用满后,将其从设备中去除, 更换新的即可。使用过的活性炭过滤器建议采用焚烧方式进行处理(颗粒活性炭过滤器两边的尼龙网除外)。焚烧后的物质就地掩埋,不会对土壤产生污染。 深圳市广杰环保工程有限公司 联系人:卢女士 联系电话(微信): 公司电话:0755—21008947 邮箱:2851097284@ 工厂地址:深圳市龙华新区大浪街道大浪社区黄档路2号一楼c区 办公地址:深圳市龙华新区龙观东路鸿宇大厦1219室 公司网址/ 阿里巴巴店铺/ 本公司诚招大量代理商 专长领域(Expertise in the field of) 静电油烟净化器/设备的销售和安装 (Electrostatic fume purifier / equipment sales and installation) 油烟净化系统的综合服务与维护 (Integrated service and maintenance of oil fume purification system) 油烟净化器商业厨房排气系统设计 (Commercial kitchen exhaust system design of oil fume purifier) 商业抽油烟机管道系统的制作安装 (Manufacture and installation of the pipeline system of commercial fume hood) 厨房排气系统紫外线臭氧处理 (Kitchen exhaust system UV ozone treatment) 油烟净化器的UV光解杀菌系统 (UV photolysis sterilization system for oil fume purifier) 活性炭废气净化系统 (Activated carbon waste gas purification system) 废气处理其他设备 (Other equipment for waste gas treatment) 特色项目 美食街(Street of delicacies) 学校(School) 酒店(Hotel) 食品加工厂(Food processing plant) 工业废气产生车间(Industrial waste gas production workshop) 仓储:我们的仓库设在深圳,随时储备充足货源,以确保**时间响应,国内外客户所需。 (Our warehouse is located in Shenzhen, at any time to reserve sufficient supply, to ensure that the first time to respond to the needs of customers at home and abroad.) 安装:我们对我们的技术人员非常信任和自豪,对空气净化器进行适当的安装和检查。有着多年的经验和知识,您的净化器被专业掌控。 (We are very proud of our technical staff, and the proper installation and inspection of the air purifier. Have many years of experience and knowledge, your purifier is professional control.) 服务:我们以优质的客户服务和支持,为客户*提供高品质的服务,为商业厨房周边打造一个空气清新的生活居住空间。 (We have high-quality customer service and support for customers to quickly provide high-quality services for the commercial kitchen surrounding to create a fresh air of living space.) 满意度:我们注重客户满意度跟踪调查,以确保您选到较合适的产品。 (We focus on customer satisfaction survey to ensure you are selected to the most suitable products.) 生产设施 深圳市广杰环保工程有限公司位于中国高科科技研发和制造基地深圳,为国家**企业,**示范企业。是一家致力于油烟净化器、油雾收集器,烟罩一体机,无烟烧烤车,废气处理设备等环保产品研发、生产、销售的专业企业,拥有核心部件的精密加工车间、国家标准研发中心、技术中心及行业内标准实验室。 (Shenzhen city wide Jie environmental protection engineering Co., Ltd. is located in Shenzhen, China's high-tech R & D and manufacturing base, for the national high-tech enterprises, patent demonstration enterprises. Is committed to a smoke purifier, oil mist collector, machine hood, smokeless barbecue car, waste gas treatment equipment professional enterprise environmental protection products R & D, production and sales, with the core components of the precision machining workshop, national standard research and development center, technology center and industry standard laboratory.) 研究与开发 随着我们多年的销售、应用和安装静电油烟净化器,我们已经积累了大量的经验,我们不断地应用到我们的研究和开发,不断完善我们现在的机型,以及开发新的产品,以满足新的挑战,二十一世纪,我们处于商业厨房、工厂废气净化控制的技术*,我们能够不断改进我们的设计,以适应不断变化的环境和期望。产品在市场上推出前进进行测试性适应。GOJEK公司现在多样化功能追赶了竞争者,包括电源监控功能,紫外线臭氧除味功能,管理系统和其他合理的净化装置。 With our years of sales, installation and application of electrostatic smoke purifier, we have accumulated a lot of experience, we constantly applied to our research and development, and constantly improve our models, as well as the development of new products, to meet the new challenges, in twenty-first Century, we are in commercial kitchen, factory waste gas purification technology control and we can improve our design, in order to adapt to the changing environment and expectations. Products introduced in the market forward to carry out the test to adapt. GOJEK is now diversifying its capabilities beyond its competitors, including the power monitoring function, UV, ozone, odor removal, management systems, and other reasonable purification devices.