怎么知道设备要清洗了?多久清洗一次?清洗麻烦吗?怎么清洗? 设备装上去时间长呢净化器会亮红灯的,它说明是设备脏呢要清洗呢。正常工作180-----400小时清洗一次。我们的设备清洗一点也不麻烦,因为我们设备是板装的,净化的油烟它不会干在上面的, 《例》蜂窝的那种净化电场油烟会停留在里面,清洗时要用工具一个一个蜂窝通油质,是很麻烦的。板装的油它不会停留里面的。 你就把那个净化电场拿出来找个胶盆,用氢氧化钠和开水泡个15---20分钟拿出来,再用高压水枪冲洗一下,把水晾干装进去就好呢。 你们设备的功率怎么那么小?有效果吗? 我们是专业做环保节能产品的,净化器电源是那我们自己研发的功率不需要那吗大。肯定有小果啊,没效果我们生产它干嘛啊,我可以发个视频你先看看,我们有做过得案例你可以打电话咨询一下。 深圳市广杰环保工程有限公司 联系人:卢女士 联系电话(微信): 公司电话:0755—21008947 邮箱:2851097284@ 工厂地址:深圳市龙华新区大浪街道大浪社区黄档路2号一楼c区 办公地址:深圳市龙华新区龙观东路鸿宇大厦1219室 公司网址/ 阿里巴巴店铺/ 本公司诚招大量代理商 **的控制面板冷却系统:Patented control panel cooling system: 所述冷却系统(可选)有助于驱散热量,由于长时间运行,导致电子部件上的过热。在露天安装,有助于降低冷却风扇控制面板里面建立起来的尘埃粒子。The cooling system (optional) helps to dissipate heat, resulting in overheating of electronic components over long periods of time. In the open air installation, it is helpful to reduce the dust particles built up in the cooling fan control panel. 直流高压电源:DC high voltage power supply: 高直流电压电源供应器有个微型处理器的控制,提供了坚实的状态和自我调节保持峰值效率的电源供应器。所有的电其输出满足了电器*CE usage的要求。The high DC voltage power supply has a micro processor control, which provides a solid state and self regulation to maintain the peak efficiency of the power supply. All of its output meets the requirements of electrical safety usage CE. 楼宇管理系统(BMS)连接:Building management system (BMS) connection: 静电除尘器有能力与楼宇管理系统连接,通过一个内置的BMS接口(可选)项目准备或故障干接点连接在每个控制面板。BMS系统将具有短路保护,**载预防控制以及自动启动或手动功能。The electrostatic precipitator has the ability to connect with the building management system, through a built-in BMS interface (optional) project preparation or the failure of the dry contact is connected to each control panel. BMS system will have short circuit protection, overload prevention and control, as well as automatic start or manual function. 安装注意事项Installation notes 1.净化系统内通风量应在净化器额定处理风量内;1the amount of ventilation in the purification system should be within the rated air flow rate of the purifier; 2.净化器安装应保证水平,否则,净化器收集的油会被风机吸出,或放油时不能将净化器内的油放尽; installation should ensure that the level, otherwise, the oil purifier collected by wind suction, or put the oil can not be put in the oil purifier; 3.管道内风速应设计在8-10m/s; wind speed pipe should be designed in 8-10m/s 4.弯头中线半径≥1.5D(若不满足此条件,则变径管风阻会成倍增大) elbow radius is larger than 1.5D midline (if not meet this condition, it will increase the drag reducing pipe) 5.变径管(小变大)斜边与轴线夹角≤70(若不满足此条件,应考虑合理安装导流板。否则,净化器净化效率将大幅度降低而不能达到国家排放标准) tube (small and large) bevel angles with the axis is less than or equal to 70 (if you do not meet this condition, should consider the reasonable installation guide plate. Otherwise, the purification efficiency of the purifier will be greatly reduced and can not meet the national emission standards. 6. 7.变径管(大变小)你斜边与轴线夹角≤150(若不满足此条件,应考虑合理安装导流板。否则,净化器不能发挥器效能)。如图所示;7 tube (big or small) your bevel angles with the axis is less than or equal to 150 (if you do not meet this condition, should consider the reasonable installation guide plate. Otherwise, the purifier can not play the effectiveness of the device. As shown in figure; 8.净化器进风口之前应有一段≥2.5D的直管(若不满足此条件,应考虑合理安装气流均布板和导流板。否则,净化器不能发挥器效能 );Before the 8 air purifier should be a straight over 2.5D (if this condition is not met, should consider the reasonable layout and installation flow guide plate. Otherwise, the purifier can not play the effectiveness of the device; 9.风机应安装减振器;fan should be installed vibration damper; 10.风机进出风口应安装软连接; wind turbine inlet and outlet should be installed soft connection; 11.净化器必须可靠接地(净化器有3根出线,红线和绿线接220V/AC,黄绿线接地)purifier must be reliable grounding (purifier has 3 stages, red and green 220V/AC, green line) 12.风向问题:设备出厂均设定为左进风(面对净化器电气箱的门),风向流动邮左进风,反之则为右进风)。若现场需用右进风,电场旋转180°,将弹簧接头由下方移至上方,再将高压线对换则完成了由左进风调整为右进风之过程。wind problem: equipment factory was set up at the left Jinfeng (face purifier electric box door), wind flow post left Jinfeng, whereas right into the wind). If the site use right into the wind, the electric field will rotate 180 degrees, from below to above the spring joint, then on the high voltage line is completed by adjusting inlet for Jinfeng left right. 13.为保证设备的净化效率,设备工作在负风压状态,即风机必须设在设备后面。 in order to ensure the efficiency of the equipment, the equipment works in a negative pressure state, that is, the wind turbine must be located in the back of the equipment. 14.室外安装时,应加装防雨、遮阳的遮阳蓬,以免影响设备的正常使用寿命以及增加不必要的维护费用。 outdoor installation, should be equipped with sunshade rainproof and sunshade, so as not to affect the normal service life of equipment and increase unnecessary maintenance costs.