公司文化 Corporate culture 企业精神: 责任 创新 诚信 合作 Enterprise spirit: responsibility innovation integrity cooperation 核心价值观:环境为本 客户导向 团队合作 追求卓越Core values: the environment for the customer oriented team cooperation in the pursuit of excellence 发展理念:专业解决环境保护治理问题,为客户创值服务,与员工共创辉煌。 Development of the concept of environmental protection to solve the governance problems: professional, customer service and employee value, create brilliant. 企业愿景:致力于改善我们的工作、生活环境质量、通过**的服务与创新的技术,树立中国环保产业的世界品牌。 Enterprise vision: to improve our work, the quality of life and environment, through superior service and innovative technology, to establish a world brand of China's environmental protection industry. 公司介绍 Company introduction 深圳市广杰环保工程有限公司位于中国高科技研发和制造基地深圳,为国家**企业,**示范企业。是一家致力于油烟净化器、油雾收集器,烟罩一体机,无烟烧烤车,废气处理设备等环保产品研发、生产、销售的专业企业,拥有核心部件的精密加工车间、国家标准研发中心、技术中心及行业内标准实验室。Shenzhen city wide Jie environmental protection engineering Co., Ltd. is located in China's high-tech R & D and manufacturing base in Shenzhen, for the national high-tech enterprises, patent demonstration enterprises. Is committed to a smoke purifier, oil mist collector, machine hood, smokeless barbecue car, waste gas treatment equipment professional enterprise environmental protection products R & D, production and sales, with the core components of the precision machining workshop, national standard research and development center, technology center and industry standard laboratory. 公司是中国家电协会厨房电器专业**成员,油烟净化专业**成员,油烟净化器行业联盟高级会员单位,曾参与多项油烟净化国家标准的起草,参与油烟净化器行业联盟标准的制定,大气排放相关标准起草。The company is a member of Specialized Committee Chinese kitchen electric appliance Association, a member of the Specialized Committee of fume purification, lampblack purifier industry alliance senior member of the drafting of national standards has participated in a number of fume purification, lampblack purifier industry alliance to participate in the formulation of standards, emissions related drafting standards. 公司以“环境为本,客户导向,团队合作,追求卓越”为市场理念,引导市场消费潮流;与国际、国内家电大品牌共享配件资源,积极开展对外技术合作与交流,通过国际合作机构(GIZ)引进德国RWE国际环保集团较新*五代油烟处理等技术,消化和吸收各项核心*技术,提升技术研发能力,建立了科学、系统的人力资源体系。 Company to "environmental oriented, customer oriented, team cooperation, the pursuit of excellence" for the market concept, guide the market consumption trend; resources sharing parts with international and domestic appliance brands, and actively carry out foreign technical cooperation and exchanges, through international cooperation agency (GIZ) Yin Jinde RWE international environmental group's latest fifth generation of fume treatment etc. technology, digestion and absorption of the core technology, to enhance the technical research and development ability, establish scientific and systematic human resources system. 静电集尘板检测 1.检视电极板间距是否平均 2.检视绝缘片是否损伤、破裂。 3.检视电极板里面螺丝有无松动。 4.检视电极板是否破损、变型、移位。 5.电极板风干后检视电压,测试工具有: A.高压探棒:1个 B.万用表:1个(测试电压数值在H:DC12V L:DC6V) C.兆欧表:1个(测试较板两较间绝缘电阻数值在300~500兆欧) 1.清洗人员应备防护工具,明细如下: A.防护眼镜:1只 c.防护手套(橡胶):1双 B.防护雨鞋:1双 d.防护手套(棉纱):1双 你们的设备在工作时会产生臭氧吗?会对人有危害吗? 一般在正电压情况下会产生30%的臭氧,在负电压情况下会产生50%的臭氧. 正电压净化除油烟效果较好,负电压除味效果会好一点。 我们的设备在工作时会产生噪音吗? 不会有噪音,因为它是静电吸附,净化油烟的,设备工作是静态放电吸附。