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  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:私营有限责任公司
  • 公司地址: 广东省 深圳市 宝安区 大浪街道 大浪社区 深圳市龙华新区大浪街道大浪社区黄档路2号一楼c区
  • 姓名: 文小姐
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定



  • 所属行业:环保 大气污染控制设备 油烟净化器
  • 发布日期:2017-06-30
  • 阅读量:411
  • 价格:1.00 元/台 起
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:584.00 台
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:广东深圳宝安区大浪街道大浪社区  
  • 关键词:油烟净化器,油烟收集器,油烟抽风机,UV光解废气处理设备,油烟净化设备


    The company's products cover industrial, automotive, commercial fume purifier, large oil fume oil mist treatment, waste gas treatment, atmospheric environmental monitoring equipment.
    公司商品取得多项国内外*认证,如:中国**、ISO世界质量管理、美国NSF、欧洲CE、加拿大CASS等多项世界*认证、商品**德国、美国、东南亚等近30个国家。Company's products have a number of domestic and international authoritative certification, such as: Chinese brand, ISO international quality management, American NSF, European CE, Canada, CASS and other international authoritative certification, products sold in Germany, the United States, Southeast Asia and other countries for nearly 30.
    的中心价值观,进一步表现公司的归纳竞赛优势,刻画和培育公司的中心竞赛力,保证其商品在未来进行坚持持续、稳健的开展。现在,公司启动品牌**化运营战略,开端在境外建立出产、出售组织,严厉按照欧盟家电售后效劳规范,为**客户供给较优异的效劳,为**消费者创造舒服、健康、时髦的油烟净化商品,打造**油烟净化范畴*. For the future, the company is constantly committed to the innovation and sustainable development of enterprises, through the promotion of value for respect, benefit sharing"
    The core values of the enterprise to further play a comprehensive competitive advantage, shape and cultivate the core competitiveness of enterprises, to ensure that their products in the future to maintain a sustained, steady development. At present, the company launched a global brand management strategy, set up production and sales offices in overseas, in strict accordance with the EU appliance customer service standards of service, to provide the best quality service for global customers, create a comfortable, healthy and fashionable global consumers fume purification products, to create a global field of the fume purification benchmark.
    广杰-静电油烟净化系列Wide Jie - electrostatic fume purification series【**良好的商用油烟净化器品牌之一One of the world's leading brands of commercial fume purifier】
    98%以上油烟处理功率,契合新世界及广东、上海、北京等当地新规范**完成低空排放More than 98% of the oil fume treatment efficiency, in line with the new international and Guangdong, Shanghai, Beijing and other places of the new standard ** to achieve low emission
    静电油烟净化器Electrostatic oil fume purifier【高效除油烟High efficiency fume removing】
    CE、IAF、SA、ISO认证专业油烟净化器厂家CE, IAF, SA, ISO certified professional fume purifier manufacturers
    设备特征Equipment characteristics
    1、 商品自产自销,质量有保证; homegrown products, quality guaranteed
    2、 自主知识产权**商品;Independent intellectual property patent product
    3、 对于不一样工业特性规划合适之机型;Design suitable models for different industrial characteristics
    4、 全机型模块化组合规划,装置快捷;Modular modular design, easy installation
    5、 设备零件均经过CE、FCC、ISO等认证;equipment parts through the CE, FCC, ISO and other certification
    6、 大型餐厅可计划自动化清洗体系;large restaurant can plan automatic cleaning system
    7、 特别机型可定制不锈钢商品;special models can be customized stainless steel products
    8、 98%以上除油烟功率,目测无烟,契合国家环保排放规范;more than 98% removal efficiency of oil fume, visual smoke-free, meet the national environmental discharge standards
    9、 **的较板电场,能使设备具有较高的除烟作用;the patent of the electric field, can make the equipment has a high smoke removal effect
    10、 具有电源过载维护和变压器过温维护等多重维护功能。with power overload protection and transformer over temperature protection and other multiple protection function
    特长范畴(Expertise in the field of)
    (Electrostatic fume purifier / equipment sales and installation)
    (Integrated service and maintenance of oil fume purification system)
    (Commercial kitchen exhaust system design of oil fume purifier)
    (Manufacture and installation of the pipeline system of commercial fume hood)
    (Kitchen exhaust system UV ozone treatment)
    (UV photolysis sterilization system for oil fume purifier)
    (Activated carbon waste gas purification system)
    (Other equipment for waste gas treatment)
    美食街(Street of delicacies)

    欢迎来到深圳市广杰环保工程有限公司网站, 具体地址是广东省深圳市宝安区深圳市龙华新区大浪街道大浪社区黄档路2号一楼c区,联系人是文小姐。 主要经营环保工程设计、工业油(烟)雾净化回收设备、工业焊接烟尘净化设备、工业无尘车间净化设备、工业除(集)尘设备、工业隔音消声设备、工业废气处理设备、餐饮油烟净化设备、工业脱硫除尘设备、通风风机设备、油水分离 主要用于厨房低空排放油烟的净化治理;用于宾馆、饭馆、酒家、餐厅以及学校、机关、工厂等场所;食品油炸、烹任加工行业;油溅热处理车间、油雾润滑车间、工件焊接车间以及烯油锅炉排放等工业场合。。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 - 250 万元。 我司主营环保方面的设备、材料,包括油烟净化器,厨房油烟净化器,静电油烟净化器,餐饮厨房设备,油烟净化一体机,厨房油烟净化器设备等,产品多种多样,欢迎新老顾客任意选购!